Wellness & Wellbeing

Best Bees Wax Candles

Candles create a wonderful ambiance, but did you know that paraffin wax candles releases a mix of chemicals when burned? When petroleum based paraffin candles are burned they can release a chemical cocktail of acetaldehyde, formaldehyde, toluene, benzene and acrolein.

100% bees wax candles burn cleaner, longer and can even improve indoor air quality, rather than pollute it.

My favorite bees wax candle is from Bees Wax Co, which are made in Dripping Springs, Texas. Bees Wax Co candles look, feel and smell like beautiful fresh bees wax. The candles are long lasting and burn with a bright clean flame.

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Kristina is a Licensed Interior Designer and Certified Health and Wellness Coach. Her passion and dedication to healthy living and the environment began in college as her own health declined. For her, the toxicity of the air, water, food, electromagnetic radiation, building and consumer products found and consumed in our homes and businesses became evident. Kristina realized these issues play a key role in her health and the declining health of our society. Through years of experience and research Kristina has obtained a wealth of knowledge. As the ‘canary in the coal mine’, Kristina has learned firsthand the importance of putting wellness first when creating a balanced and beautiful environment.

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